What I’m about to share is not recommended by doctors, but I was anxious. Plus I’m a control freak.
I started doing my own little home experiment.
Two days after the embryo transfer I started pregnancy testing at home. The reason they tell you not to do this is because you could end up with a false positive or false negative due to the hCG trigger shot. The first test showed up very dark positive so I figured it was the hCG. I am naturally a person who needs answers right away so waiting ten days was just never in the cards for me.
However, I knew that even if I got a negative it didn’t mean that I wasn’t pregnant so I kept that in the back of my mind every time I tested. And I tested. I think the Walgreen’s near me ran out of tests. And I have never liked tests. I took more tests in those 10 days than students in the Netherlands take all year.
My test went from dark positive (the first test) to light positive. Then everything started to go dark. Really dark. I lived in the bathroom. Peter didn’t see me much. On the day of my first beta-hCG test I knew in my heart that I was pregnant. That plus I’d done so many ClearBlue® tests during those 10 days I sent the Swiss Precision Diagnostics stock soaring. I needed the blood test to fully confirm it before I got excited.
We got the phone call and in the words of the nurse: “ummmm you are SUPER pregnant.” Peter thought I should wear a cape. My beta-hCG level was 760! Holy cow! As I write this I’m still in shock. We are over the moon.
– Jenn