Preguntas frecuentes
QWhen does a woman’s fertility start to decline?
Fertility specialist Dr. Mark Surrey, co-founder of Southern California Reproductive Center, explains when a woman’s fertility is at its peak, and when it starts to begin to rapidly decline.
QCan women in their 40s still have children?
Muchas mujeres de cuarenta y pocos años desean tener hijos. El Dr. Hal Danzer, especialista en fertilidad y cofundador del Southern California Reproductive Center, habla de los problemas a los que se enfrentan las mujeres que quieren concebir a los 40 años.
P¿Siguensiendo fértiles las mujeres de entre 35 y 40 años?
A woman is born with all the eggs she’ll have in her lifetime. As women age, the chances of conceiving start to drop off significantly starting in their 30s.
It’s a statistic that concerns many women 35 and older. But Jean Twenge, author of the article “How Long Can You Wait to Have a Baby?” in The Atlantic says women in this age group don’t need to panic. “That period between 35 and 40 is more fertile than many people believe,” she said. Twenge, who had her third child at 40, says much of the research women fear the most is based on old data.