الأسئلة المتداولة
QHow long does the procedure take?
The egg retrieval procedure takes just minutes to perform.
QWill I be conscious during the procedure?
You will be lightly anesthetized (conscious sedation) to ensure your comfort throughout the procedure.
QCan I eat or drink before the procedure?
You may eat and drink normally until midnight. Please abstain from any food, beverages or medications after this point.
QHow long will I need to stay at the surgery center?
Most patients are cleared to return home one hour after their procedure.
QCan I drive myself home after the procedure?
No. After being sedated for the procedure, you cannot drive yourself and will need a friend or family member to take you home.
QCan I go back to work after the procedure?
We encourage you to take it easy the rest of the day after your procedure. However, you can plan to return to work the following day.
QWill I be in pain after the procedure? How will I know if my symptoms are normal?
You may experience some mild discomfort, bloating or cramping in the days following the procedure. This is normal and is not cause for concern unless these symptoms are accompanied by a fever or heavy bleeding. Our patients have found relief through over-the-counter pain relievers and the use of a heating pad.