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You can sort the videos on this page by clicking on one of the doctors images below.
RAPH1, a gene regulated by progesterone affects trophoblast migration and invasion
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Preimplantation genetic screening (PGS) of embryos prior to transfer: a cost analysis of single embryo transfers (SET) and double embryo transfers (DET)
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PGS/NGS links mitotic complex mosaic embryo diagnosis with chromosomal aneuploidy when comparing physicians using the same IVF laboratory
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To freeze or not to freeze: the cost-effectiveness of a freeze-all policy when progesterone on the day of hCG trigger is elevated
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No difference in rates of mosaic, normal, or abnormal diagnosed PGS/NGS embryos within a single IVF laboratory regardless of physician practice location (internal vs. external)
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Maternal 17-β-estradiol and progesterone remain elevated into the late first trimester in pregnancies conceived with in-vitro fertilization (IVF) despite discontinuation of supplemental therapy
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Euploid embryos, assessed by array comparative genomic hybridization (acgh), implant at the same rate irrespective of maternal age
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Intention to treat: how many initiated PGS cycles produce blastocysts for biopsy as maternal age increases?
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Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) on day-1 delayed maturation oocytes results in poor embryo development in these highly compromised cycles
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“No diagnosis” embryos after PGS should not be discarded: rebiopsy and reanalysis demonstrate the majority are euploid
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Human sperm cryopreserved and stored for 30 years, 7 months and 6 days results in two clinical pregnancies
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Donor oocyte preimplantation genetic screening for sex selection: fewer embryos transferred without decreasing pregnancy rates
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