我和丈夫是在 20 岁出头时相识的,当时我就知道他就是我的真命天子。大约 5 年后,我们搬到了一起,在此期间我们流产了,我不得不进行剖腹产,因为我是晚期流产。在整个手术过程中,我非常痛苦,刚刚经历的一切给我造成了极大的创伤,但我相信我的医生,我知道必须这么做。我和丈夫也伤心欲绝,感到前所未有的空虚。虽然我们并不期待怀孕,但我们很高兴生命中的下一个篇章,并且已经开始为孩子取名字了。
大约 8 年后,我们终于在大流行病期间在拉斯维加斯结婚了,这是一个非常随性的决定,但却是我们一生中最正确的决定。我们买了第一套房子,养了第一条狗。在我们交往的整个过程中,我们从未采取任何避孕措施,所以我心里明白我们有生育问题。我唯一一次怀孕就是流产。
A few years after our Vegas elopement we knew it was time to see an IVF doctor. I did research and heard great things about SCRC so I definitely wanted to give them a try.
We did all the testing needed and we found out my husband has low sperm count. We knew that IUI was a very low percentage of working but had to try anyway. After two failed IUIs we moved onto IVF. A very stressful and exciting decision but we knew we were in good hands. Fast forward a few months later and we had a successful egg retrieval! We are beyond thrilled that we have 6 healthy embryos.
Now it was time for my first saline infusion sonogram in which they found what they believed to be a polyp. I was so devastated but I knew the right thing to do was to get it removed by doing a hysteroscopy. Unfortunately, my insurance would not cover the procedure to be done at SCRC so I had to get done with my gyno. I had my procedure done about 3 weeks later and I felt great! Once I was healed and my results came back, which ended up being endometrial tissue and not a polyp, I was ready to start transfer medications. I went to do my first baseline appointment and they told me everything looked great! I was so happy. I went for my next baseline appointment and they found a polyp. Our doctor told me that it was most likely caused by the estrogen, I was devastated. I cried and cried. I couldn’t understand why this was happening right before my transfer. The best thing to do was to postpone my transfer.
P.S. – Thank you so much for reading our story. And thank you for always being compassionate and communicative with us! We are excited to continue our IVF journey at SCRC.
Diana H.
(Update – Diana and her husband welcomed their beautiful baby girl in 十二月 of 2023)
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