Resolve walk of hope 2016In the world of fertility, it takes the efforts of more than just one person to complete a successful journey.  The very nature of fertility requires the combination of two reproductive cells in order to form life.  And for anyone who has struggled with conceiving and has required the help of assisted reproduction, they know that it’s not just their physician who is paramount to their success, but an array of supporting characters. From nurses, embryologists, and ultrasound techs, to pharmacies, financial counselors and support groups, it doesn’t just take one person to create a life; it takes a village.

On the morning of مارس 20th, set against the sprawling hills of Griffith Park, RESOLVE’s 2016 Los Angeles Walk of Hope was the perfect microcosm of the joint efforts that go into alleviating the struggles of infertility.  The annual event is a gathering of everyone from the fertility community, which includes doctors and their clinic team members, patients and their families, as well as pharmaceutical companies and even donor agencies.  The goal is two-fold: to unite the members of said community and fundraise for local support services on behalf of the millions living with infertility, and simultaneously to spread awareness and understanding on how infertility “impacts families nationwide.”

The SCRC Hopenators were happy to return as active participants, as well as proud Advocate Sponsors of the event.  It was an incredible feeling for all of our team members to walk side by side with the very patients we’ve helped in the past, as well as those we’re helping for the future.  Our team name was carefully crafted as the Hopenators, since spreading hope and awareness regarding infertility was not only our goal for the Walk, but rather an ongoing, resounding message that defines our efforts as a practice. Many of our patients brought along their little ones, which was a beautiful reminder for all of us walking, connected on behalf of a greater good.  Some people even brought their fur babies, and SCRC’s very own Bailey the Golden Retriever won “best dressed” in the pet category.  The whole experience was uplifting and unifying as everyone was equal in their purpose. 

The Los Angeles Walk of Hope concluded with a successful surpassing of the fundraising goal.  The funds raised will help patients in need of infertility support.  Per RESOLVE, 85 cents of every dollar donated goes back into their programs and services, and since over 7 million people nationwide experience the stress of infertility, the need for such support has never been greater.

As for the SCRC Hopenators, we will continue to spread the message of Hope to the infertility community by providing ongoing education, helpful resources such as RESOLVE, and assistance throughout the fertility journey that is faced by every 1 in 8 couples.  As the old adage goes, it takes a village to raise a child; but sometimes, it takes the yearning for a child to unite the village.



دراسات الحالة

بيفرلي هيلز/لوس أنجلوس

450 N Roxbury Dr Ste 500
بيفرلي هيلز، كاليفورنيا 90210
P: 310-736-2079
F: 310-274-5112

دراسات الحالة

سانتا باربرا

1722 شارع الولاية شارع 203
سانتا باربرا، كاليفورنيا 93101
P: 805-618-1139
F: 805-569-1920

دراسات الحالة


2755 طريق لوما فيستا
فينتورا، كاليفورنيا 93003
P: 805-633-1902
F: 805-569-1920