Post-egg retrieval: fertilization
The doctor decided to perform ICSI (intracytoplasmic sperm injection) on half of the eggs and let the rest try and “naturally” meet with Peter’s sperm. Peter felt confident about this split (he said with his charm and natural charisma they’d do just fine), but I would have liked the doctor to perform ICSI on every last one of them.

We got eight embryos with ICSI and seven the old fashioned way (in the fertility world that is). With a total of fifteen, I couldn’t be more pleased, excited and nervous. At day three, half are looking perfect while the others are looking okay (I’m sure you can figure out which ones are which). Apparently, while maybe being charming, Peter’s sperm were also lazy if you catch my drift. 星期三 will be the big day. I mean, in some respects so many of these days are big days. 

I can’t believe I’m two days away from possibly having my biggest dream ever in life come true. I’m tearing up just writing this. Yes I’m emotional naturally but this could also be all the darn hormones.







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