Acupuncture Mai Help Male Infertility Too
Additional scientific literature suggests that acupuncture may also increase (but not normalize) low sperm counts, indicating that acupuncture may also play a positive role in the treatment of male infertility.
Fertility Acupuncture Therapy at SCRC
An acupuncturist can be an important adjunct to the core services provided by your fertility team. Acupuncture fertility treatments are another good example of the integrative approach used at SCRC, combining complementary and alternative medicine therapies with more traditional medical and surgical infertility treatments. We have several acupuncturists that we use regularly whom we recommend highly; however, you are welcome to use your own acupuncturist if you prefer.
Fertility Acupuncture Therapy Could Be Right for You
For couples seeking to create a family, both the female and male partner can use acupuncture as an effective addition to standard infertility treatment, it may significantly improve your fertility treatment outcome.
L'acupuncture n'a pas ou très peu d'effets secondaires. Les aiguilles d'acupuncture sont très petites et causent moins d'inconfort qu'une simple prise de sang ou une mise sous perfusion. Les effets positifs de l'acupuncture l'emportent largement sur les inquiétudes liées à la procédure.
How do I get started?
Contact us at SCRC by clicking here, or call us at (866) 312-0771 to find out more about fertility acupuncture therapy at our offices or to schedule a consultation with an SCRC fertility specialist.
Comprendre vos options en matière de fertilité
En savoir plus sur votre première visite, les options de traitement de la fertilité, le financement et plus encore.