Reporter Wendy Burch explains how the team at Southern California Reproductive Center became a family to her all while helping her to create her own.
Unsure where to begin your journey to conception? Learn why the fertility specialists at Southern California Reproductive Center are the right choice for you.
Is there such thing as an easy fertility quick fix? Learn about the challenges faced by reporter Wendy Burch on her personal journey to conceive.
The cost of IVF and fertility drugs have you overwhelmed? Reporter Wendy Burch talks IVF, prescription prices, and how to survive the embryo sticker shock.
Fertility and reproductive health keeping you quiet? Reporter Wendy Burch explores why women are silent about infertility and why they need to get talking.
Fertility issues can lead to many questions. Reporter Wendy Burch explains why a visit with a fertility specialist not a search engine is the right choice.
Reporter Wendy Burch shares her personal struggle with IVF and fertility treatments, and the next steps on her journey to conceive.
Lorsque la FIV et les traitements de fertilité n'aboutissent pas à une grossesse, que faire ? La journaliste Wendy Burch explique sa décision de faire appel à une donneuse d'ovules.
Fertility struggles and the holidays do not mix well. Reporter Wendy Burch gives her candid approach to survive the holidays while dealing with infertility.
Why is reporter Wendy Burch urging women to consider egg freezing at an earlier age? Learn more about her path from infertility to pregnancy.
Reporter Wendy Burch explores the history of in vitro fertilization and the scientific advances that are on the horizon for IVF.
Is Modern Family the new reality? Reporter Wendy Burch describes her IVF journey to motherhood, and how the face of the typical family is now a modern one.