Interested in freezing your embryos? SCRC is offering a special summer package to save you money and time.
Le SCRC propose un forfait d'été qui couvre un cycle de congélation d'ovules. Consultez cet article de blog pour plus de détails.
IVF is a complicated process, and understanding the truths and myths behind it can help for more informed decisions. Read more to see what is factual and what is myth with IVF.
Expert guided tips on what to do and not to do during IVF treatment. Learn more on how you can increase your chance at becoming pregnant.
SCRC patients now have exclusive access to a brand new egg donor database on the Bright Expectations website and our expert matching service. We’ll take the time to understand what’s important to you in an egg donor and can help you find someone who reflects the qualities you’re looking for.
Surrogacy laws vary by state. See why California and other states are great for Surrogacy, and which ones are reviewing their laws. Read more to see where is best for you and your partner.
Expert guided subject matter on what factors go into IVF treatment and success. Learn more on how you can increase your chance of becoming pregnant.
If you’ve been through treatment for infertility for months (or even years) without success, getting a second opinion can offer you new information, new possibilities, renewed hope, and a fresh sense of purpose.
If you make the decision to freeze your eggs, how likely is it to pay off in a healthy baby when you’re ready?
SCRC introduces the purchase of new embryoscopes powered with artificial intelligence. As the only clinic on the West Coast to offer it, SCRC IVF patients now have access to this technology.